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Plebe Year


Each July a new class of Plebe Candidates walkthrough Vickery Gate with an appointment in hand to attend the United States Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point New York.  Incoming students are called Plebe Candidates when they enter USMMA.  Plebe candidates go through a training called INDOC prior to the beginning of classes at the end of the month. 


Indoc is generally a three-week military-type training program where Plebe Candidates indoctrinated into regimental life.  They receive basic military, seamanship, firefighting, and physical training.  They are also issued uniforms for the upcoming school year.


Acceptance  Day comes at the end of Indoc when the Plebe Candidates are welcomed into the regiment of Midshipmen to begin the school year.  They are then recognized as Plebes until recognition day when they become Midshipman 4th Class.  

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